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Showing posts from February, 2023

d12 Core Edition released

As discussed in an earlier post, I have now decided to create a genre-neutral version of my d12 TTRPG first. This will function as the core repository for the rules and an SRD of sorts and will be CC-BY-SA. I can then make separate setting-specific versions of it once it's polished. As before, this version does not have any art or layout yet, as some work still needs to be done. However, it is now rules complete!! The setting creation method is now included.  Any future revisions will be done to the d12 Core PDF. I will do some smaller updates over the next weeks. Once I am happy with it, I will get someone to look at it as an editor.  The final version will be available as markdown files and a properly laid out PDF. I am also looking at ways to host it separately online. I am also still looking for the final name of the system. If you have an idea, hit me up! I hope you enjoy this update. Link below! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or wherever is convenient ...