Hello fine people. Remember the last time I said I was working on Wyrdlands? Yea can't use the name and need to find another. Coming up with names is hard. On a more positive note, I had my first playtest, which was invaluable. I learned a lot by seeing how the dice work and how it comes together at the table and what I, as the GM, did and what the players did. Several areas have had a rewrite since then, mostly for clarity. A few sections I have changed completely, and others are gone. I realized the mechanic I used for Assisting was worse than what I wrote for Supporting Actions for the same effect. So that section got a rewrite. I also had to define the boundaries of penalties for Unlucky rolls more clearly. Overall, the progress is great. I finished the rough for the Bestiary and Relic sections. Still a bunch of Spark Tables and example Creatures to write. I want to keep it simple, there are 4 types of enemies in the game. GRUNT Creatures, or NPC of this type, can only take 1 ...