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d12Core Update

Hello Friends, I apologize for my absence due to mental health challenges, but I'm now recovering and have exciting news. The podcast " Dice So Nice I Said Dice Twice " recently playtested d12Core, which has been incredibly rewarding and inspiring. I'm grateful to Jack, Toby, and Carlyle for their efforts. This unexpected spotlight has revitalized my dedication to the project. I'm working on a comprehensive update and invite you to follow the process on my Discord server. Some changes from the upcoming update (so far) include: Comprehensive revision for clarity More examples to explain game procedures Terminology refinement: "Resolve" becomes "Adrenaline," "Chance Dice" becomes "Flux Dice" Mechanical adjustments: Difficulties changed to 8/10/12, Surges trigger at 2 over TN, and doubled Grit recovery rates.  I'm excited about the progress and look forward to sharing more updates soon. Your continued interest and
Recent posts

d12 Core Edition released

As discussed in an earlier post, I have now decided to create a genre-neutral version of my d12 TTRPG first. This will function as the core repository for the rules and an SRD of sorts and will be CC-BY-SA. I can then make separate setting-specific versions of it once it's polished. As before, this version does not have any art or layout yet, as some work still needs to be done. However, it is now rules complete!! The setting creation method is now included.  Any future revisions will be done to the d12 Core PDF. I will do some smaller updates over the next weeks. Once I am happy with it, I will get someone to look at it as an editor.  The final version will be available as markdown files and a properly laid out PDF. I am also looking at ways to host it separately online. I am also still looking for the final name of the system. If you have an idea, hit me up! I hope you enjoy this update. Link below! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or wherever is convenient for y

Playtests and updates

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Working on Wyrdland

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Taking a quick break for something I feel is important

The Open Gaming Jam has just started on Itch! I would love to see some fine creative folks participate and share your open-license games. I have one system I have been tinkering with off and on for a year that I will polish as much as I can and submit. Open-license games have always been my favourite kind of game, and that SWADE doesn't have one is always a sore spot for me. You don’t know what a Jam is? Essentially various creators come together to make something for a specific theme/topic/system and share it on It can be free or can be sold. They usually run for a month, so you need to get cracking. However, there is no need for the game to be finished by the end of the Jam. Many participants in other Jams developed their submissions further, even into Kickstarters.Hopefully see you there? 

Differences of Pathfinder and Savage Worlds Combat and how they relate to Savage Design

Hello again folks. While reacquainting myself with Savage Worlds, I read an Interview from 2021, given around the Savage Pathfinder Kickstarter. In it I think Mike Barbeau said the following: "If you boil Pathfinder combat down to its barest essence, you're making a bunch of decisions managing your most important resource: hit points. You can still see the influence of grandaddy Chainmail in Pathfinder's design. You have so many tools to shift the flow of hit points in battle that you’re constantly discovering new strategies and tactics as you play. It's still a wargame at heart, which makes the decisions in combat feel so vital and fun. While Savage Worlds still has tactical combat that follows the same generalized principles as Pathfinder, when you take a hit, we want to scare the player. Taking a Wound is a big deal, especially since you can only take three before you're taken out. That said, Wounds modify your ability to succeed at rolls and negatively impact y

The joy of old files or sometimes hoarding is good.

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